We know communication and team building are important keys of any successful team or business. We both have corporate work experience as well as experience within the fine art world. We believe there is a huge gap in cultivating creativity within business settings and we're passionate about bringing creativity into work  environments and helping people solve problems in effective, out-of-the-box ways. 
We combine tactical corporate knowledge with powerful creative analogies that result in a unique and memorable experience that promotes exciting results.
We’re passionate about bringing creativity into work environments and helping people solve problems in effective, out-of-the-box ways.
Raygan Barrett, Creative Cultivator & Teaching Artist 
Raygan spent 20+ years working in graphic design and marketing. She has taught various mediums and classes for every age. She is continually studying the effects of process art in children as well as adults. She develops process art curriculum to help foster creativity in unique ways and help adults discover their ability to create. 
Lee Ann Lander, Teaching Artist & Speaker
 Lee Ann has spent 20+ years in corporate America and became a self taught artist and photographer 8 years ago out of a basic need and yearning to be creative in a child like way. One of the most unexpected and interesting outcomes of that, plus discovering art later in life, is her ability to see analogies of team building and leadership aspects within the creative process.